Posts in development

  1. The Magic of Engineering Leadership

  2. Understanding `super` in JavaScript

  3. Implementing Key Authentication in Express Gateway

  4. Build a Distributed Caching Layer with Express for APIs and Microservices

  5. A (Re)Introduction to Express.js Routes

  6. Using Express Middleware to Transform Data

  7. Lessons Learned Teaching Git

  8. Building an Amazon Alexa Skill with Node.js

  9. CSS Selector Efficiency and Why I Only Mildly Care

  10. Object Oriented JavaScript (Part the Second)

  11. Object Oriented JavaScript (Part the First)

  12. Goodbye `var` - JS Variable Declarations in ES6

  13. Two-Factor Authentication with LoopBack

  14. Bending Grunt to Your Will with Custom Tasks, Part 2

  15. Bending Grunt to Your Will with Custom Tasks, Part 1

  16. Next Stage for Mockjax

  17. Testing Front End Code Without a Server

  18. Windows 8 Native JavaScript File System

  19. Automated JavaScript Tests Using Grunt, Phantomjs, and QUnit

  20. Overweight Pages on the Rise

  21. Two Weeks with Sencha Touch

  22. Am I doing it wrong?

  23. Web Development Lessons for 2013

  24. Running with Scissors

  25. Lesson Time: Binary Style

  26. You are not your programming language